All books listed are fantastic fiction (fantasy, horror, science fiction, weird western, etc.) unless denoted otherwise.
az Arizona author | gf general fiction | gn graphic novel | hw Hugo Award-winner for Best Novel | nf non-fiction
Katherine Addison - The Grief of Stones (Oct 2022)
Ania Ahlborn - The Shuddering (Nov 2023)
Joan Aiken - The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (Nov 2024)
Brian Aldiss - Hothouse (Oct 2017)
Alex Alice - Castle in the Stars: The Space Race of 1869 gn (Aug 2017)
Katherine Arden:
The Warm Hands of Ghosts (Mar 2024)
The Winternight Trilogy:
#1: The Bear and the Nightingale (Jan 2019)
#2: The Girl in the Tower (Nov 2019)
#3: The Winter of the Witch (Dec 2019)
William Arden - The Three Investigators (see also Robert Arthur, M. V. Carey, Nick West):
#10: The Mystery of the Moaning Cave (May 2024)
#12: The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow (Jul 2024)
#13: The Secret of the Crooked Cat (Aug 2024)
#18: The Mystery of the Shrinking House (Jan 2025)
Michael David Ares - Dayfall (Sep 2018)
Robert Arthur - The Three Investigators (see also William Arden, M. V. Carey, Nick West):
#1: The Secret of Terror Castle (Aug 2023)
#2: The Mystery of the Stuttering Parrot (Sep 2023)
#3: The Mystery of the Whispering Mummy (Oct 2023)
#4: The Mystery of the Green Ghost (Nov 2023)
#5: The Mystery of the Vanishing Treasure (Dec 2023)
#6: The Secret of Skeleton Island (Jan 2024)
#7: The Mystery of the Fiery Eye (Feb 2024)
#8: The Mystery of the Silver Spider (Mar 2024)
#9: The Mystery of the Screaming Clock (Apr 2024)
#11: The Mystery of the Talking Skull (Jun 2024)
Isaac Asimov:
The Gods Themselves hw (Aug 2020)
#1: Foundation (Aug 2021)
#2: Foundation and Empire (Dec 2021)
#3: Second Foundation (Jan 2022)
#4: Foundation’s Edge hw (Mar 2022)
Brian Asman - Man, Fuck This House (Jun 2023)
Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid’s Tale (May 2017)
Dathan Auerbach - Bad Man (Nov 2018)
Brian Augustyn az & Michael Mignola - Gotham by Gaslight gn (Mar 2019)
David Avallone & Dave Acosta - The Twilight Zone: The Shadow gn (Mar 2019)
Jonathan Aycliffe - The Silence of Ghosts (Apr 2015)
Pénélope Bagieu:
Brazen gn (May 2018)
Exquisite Corpse gn (May 2015)
Nathan Ballingrud - Crypt of the Moon Spider (Oct 2024)
J. V. Baptie (see also Jodie Lawrance) - Helen Carter:
#1: The Forgotten gf (Jul 2018)
Jasper Bark - Collector’s Item (Aug 2024)
Clive Barker - Cabal (Feb 2020)
S. A. Barnes:
Dead Silence (Feb 2022)
Ghost Station (Jul 2024)
Steven Barnes: (see also Larry Niven)
Blood Brothers (Dec 2020)
Charisma (Jul 2021)
Iron Shadows (Jan 2021)
The Kundalini Equation (Apr 2020)
Aubry Knight:
#1: Street Lethal (Mar 2020)
#2: Gorgon Child (Jul 2020)
#3: Firedance (Oct 2020)
David Barnett - Gideon Smith:
#1: Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl (Feb 2015)
#2: Gideon Smith and the Brass Dragon (Oct 2014)
#3: Gideon Smith and the Mask of the Ripper (Nov 2015)
Max Barry - The 22 Murders of Madison May (Aug 2021)
Samit Basu - The City Inside (Sep 2022)
W. C. Bauers - Unbreakable (May 2015)
L. Frank Baum - Oz:
#1: The Wizard of Oz (Oct 2024)
#2: The Land of Oz (Nov 2024)
#3: Ozma of Oz (Dec 2024)
#4: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (Jan 2025)
Jack Baxter & Joshua Faudem - Mike’s Place gn (Apr 2015)
Augustina Bazterrica - Tender is the Flesh (Aug 2023)
Bradley P. Beaulieu - The Song of the Shattered Sands:
#1: Twelve Kings in Sharakhai (Jan 2018)
Of Sand and Malice Made (Feb 2018)
Aron Beauregard - The Slob (Sep 2023)
JP Behrens - Missing in Miskatonic (Oct 2024)
R. S. Belcher:
 The Brotherhood of the Wheel (Jul 2016)
#1: The Six Gun Tarot (Jul 2018)
#2: The Shotgun Arcana (Aug 2018)
#3: The Queen of Swords (Sep 2018)
#1: Nightwise (Sep 2015)
#2: The Night Dahlia (Jun 2018)
Joe Benitez, Peter Steigerwald & Michael Heisler - The Mystery of the Mechanical Corpse gn (Apr 2023)
Robyn Bennis - The Guns Above (Jan 2020)
Beth Bernobich - The Time Roads (Jan 2015)
Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man hw (Jan 2019)
Paul Biegel - The King of the Copper Mountains (Nov 2023)
Alan Black az:
Chasing Harpo gf (May 2017)
Chewing Rocks (Dec 2017)
Empty Space (Mar 2017)
Larry Goes to Space (Nov 2017)
Quest for the White Wind (Jun 2017)
Steel Walls and Dirt Drops (Jan 2018)
Titanium Texicans (Feb 2018)
Metal Boxes:
#1: Metal Boxes (Apr 2017)
#2: Trapped Outside (Jul 2017)
#3: Rusty Hinges (Aug 2017)
#4: At the Edge (Sep 2017)
Alan Black with D. E. Black az - A Planet with No Name (Oct 2019)
Colette Black az:
Fourteen (Oct 2015)
Mankind’s Redemption:
#1: Noble Ark (Oct 2020)
Levi Black - Mythos War:
#1: Red Right Hand (Nov 2016)
#2: Black Goat Blues (Dec 2017)
Lynn H. Blackburn - Under Fire gf (Mar 2023)
Cameron D. Blackwell az - Cherry Vanilla (Dec 2022)
Kendare Blake - Goddess Wars:
#1: Antigoddess (Oct 2014)
#2: Mortal Gods (Jan 2016)
#3: Ungodly (Jan 2016)
James P. Blaylock - Lord Kelvin’s Machine (Oct 2018)
James Blish - A Case of Conscience hw (May 2019)
Mike Bockoven - FantasticLand (Apr 2024)
Ezekiel Boone - The Hatching (Jul 2016)
Greg Boucher & Cillian Cubstead - The Terror of Trout Canyon gn (Jun 2023)
Patricia Bradley - Counter Attack gf (Jun 2023)
Michael Brennan - Electric Girl Volume 1 gn (Jul 2022)
David Brin - Uplift:
#1: Sundiver (Nov 2022)
#2: Startide Rising hw (Apr 2022)
#3: The Uplift War hw (Jan 2023)
Robert Brockway - The Vicious Circuit:
#1: The Unnoticeables (Jul 2015)
#2: The Empty Ones (Sep 2016)
#3: Kill All Angels (Jan 2018)
Box Brown - Is This Guy for Real: The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman gn (Feb 2018)
Ness Brown - The Scourge Between Stars (Jun 2023)
Rosel George Brown - Sibyl Sue Blue (Oct 2023)
John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar hw (Apr 2020)
Tobias S. Buckell - Sly Mongoose (Sep 2015)
Christopher Buehlman:
The Blacktongue Thief (Jul 2022)
The Suicide Motor Club (Nov 2016)
Kealan Patrick Burke - Sour Candy (May 2023)
Mike Butterworth & Don Lawrence - Tales from the Trigan Empire gn (Jul 2024)
Sarah E. Byam & Tim Sale - Billi 99 gn (Dec 2021)
Rachel Caine - The Great Library:
#1: Ink and Bone (Dec 2016)
#2: Paper and Fire (Jan 2017)
#3: Ash and Quill (Sep 2018)
#4: Smoke and Iron (Oct 2018)
#5: Sword and Pen (Oct 2019)
John L. Campbell - Drifters (May 2015)
Edgar Cantero - Meddling Kids (Jul 2018)
Orson Scott Card - Enderverse:
#1: Ender’s Game hw (Aug 2022)
#2: Speaker for the Dead hw (Oct 2022)
#17: Children of the Fleet (Dec 2019)
#19: The Last Shadow (Dec 2022)
M. V. Carey - The Three Investigators (see also William Arden, Robert Arthur, Nick West):
#15: The Mystery of the Flaming Footprints (Oct 2024)
#17: The Mystery of the Singing Serpent (Dec 2024)
Angela Carlisle - Secondary Target gf (Jul 2024)
Leland Carson - Dull Men of Great Britain nf (Mar 2020)
Viola Carr - Electric Empire:
#1: The Diabolical Miss Hyde (Feb 2015)
#2: The Devious Dr. Jekyll (Dec 2015)
#3: The Dastardly Miss Lizzie (Jul 2017)
Nat Cassidy - Nestlings (Jan 2024)
V. Castro:
The Haunting of Alejandra (Jun 2023)
Immortal Pleasures (Jun 2024)
Beth Cato az:
Octavia Leander:
#1: The Clockwork Dagger (Mar 2015)
#2: The Clockwork Crown (Jun 2015)
Ingrid Carmichael:
#1: Breath of Earth (Aug 2016)
#2: Call of Fire (Aug 2017)
#3: Roar of Sky (Oct 2018)
Joris Chamblain & Aurélie Neyret - Cici’s Journal gn (Jan 2018)
C. J. Cherryh - Alliance-Union:
Downbelow Station hw (Jun 2021)
Cyteen hw (May 2023)
Adam Christopher - The Machine Awakens (Dec 2015)
Arthur C. Clarke:
Rendezvous with Rama hw (Sep 2020)
The Fountains of Paradise hw (Mar 2021)
Elizabeth Clark-Stern - The Language of Water (Jul 2023)
Tony Cliff - Delilah Dirk:
#2: Delilah Dirk and the King’s Shilling gn (Mar 2016)
#3: Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules gn (Oct 2018)
Mark Clifton & Frank Riley - They’d Rather Be Right hw (Feb 2019)
Daniel Clowes - Ice Haven gn (Jun 2024)
Genevieve Cogman:
Invisible Library:
#1: The Invisible Library (Sep 2016)
#2: The Masked City (Dec 2016)
#3: The Burning Page (Jan 2018)
#4: The Lost Plot (Feb 2018)
#5: The Mortal Word (Dec 2018)
#6: The Secret Chapter (Feb 2020)
Scarlet Revolution:
#1: Scarlet (Jul 2023)
Max Allan Collins & Richard Piers Rayner - Road to Perdition gn (Dec 2024)
Johnny Compton - Devils Kill Devils (Nov 2024)
John Wayne Comunale - Death Pacts and Left-Hand Paths (Jul 2023)
S. L. Coney - Wild Spaces (Nov 2023)
Tina Connolly - Copperhead (Nov 2014)
C. J. Cooke - A Haunting in the Arctic (Apr 2024)
Seamus Cooper - The Mall of Cthulhu (Mar 2016)
Susan Cooper - The Dark is Rising (Dec 2023)
Basil Copper - Necropolis (May 2016)
Anne Corlett - The Space Between the Stars (Dec 2019)
Greg Cox - The Librarians and the Pot of Gold (Jan 2019)
Erin A. Craig - House of Salt and Sorrows (Jul 2021)
Rachel Koller Croft - We Love the Nightlife (Jan 2025)
Jonathon T. Cross az:
Valley of the Spun gf (Jul 2023)
Madness from the Sea: Cthulhu’s Lure (Oct 2023)
Barbara Custer - Twilight Healer (Apr 2015)
J. J. M. Czep az:
Blackstrap’s Ecstasy (Oct 2024)
Trolls (Nov 2024)
Roald Dahl - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Dec 2024)
Dennis Danvers - Tales from Mnemosyne (Mar 2024)
Indra Das - The Devourers (Aug 2016)
Rjurik Davidson - The Stars Askew (Mar 2017)
Bruce Davis az - Magic Law:
#1: Platinum Magic (Dec 2020)
#2: Gold Magic (Jun 2021)
Clay Davis az - The X-Troop gf (Sep 2015)
Deborah L. Davitt - From Voyages Unreturning (May 2023)
Darryl Dawson az - If It Bleeds (Jul 2021)
Aliette de Bodard:
The House of Shattered Wings (Dec 2016)
Navigational Entanglements (Sep 2024)
Lay Dee - Population 3000 (Jun 2019)
Samuel R. Delany - A, B, C: Three Short Novels (Feb 2016)
John Mare DeMatteis & Jon J. Muth - The Compleat Moonshadow gn (Nov 2024)
Thom Demijohn - Black Alice (Sep 2015)
Jason Denzel - Mystic (Dec 2015)
Emily Devenport az: (see also Lee Hogan, Maggy Thomas)
EggHeads (Dec 2018)
GodHeads (Feb 2019)
The Kronos Condition (Jan 2019)
Larissa (Oct 2018)
Scorpianne (Nov 2018)
Shade (Sep 2018)
Medusa Cycle:
#1: Medusa Uploaded (Jul 2018)
#2: Medusa in the Graveyard (Sep 2019)
Jasper DeWitt - The Patient (Dec 2020)
Philip K. Dick - The Man in the High Castle hw (Sep 2019)
Chris Dietz az:
Hinterland (Nov 2021)
Naco Pink gf (Nov 2023)
Trilobites! (Aug 2022)
Cory Doctorow & Jen Wang - In Real Life gn (Dec 2014)
Steve Donoso (ed.) - The Shadowed Circle:
#3: The Shadowed Circle #3 nf (Feb 2023)
#4: The Shadowed Circle #4 nf (Mar 2023)
#5: The Shadowed Circle #5 nf (May 2023)
#6: The Shadowed Circle #6 nf (Jan 2024)
Ian Douglas - Altered Starscape (Aug 2021)
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lost World (Aug 2014)
Debbie Drechsler - The Summer of Love gn (Jan 2024)
Simon Driscoll az - The Dragons' Bane Chronicles:
#1: Orphan Dani (Jul 2024)
#2: Traveler Dani (Aug 2024)
#3: Princess Dani (Sep 2024)
Gerry Duggan & Phil Noto - The Infinite Horizon gn (Feb 2023)
Rachel Dunne - In the Shadow of the Gods (Jul 2021)
S. K. Dunstall - Stars Uncharted:
#1: Stars Uncharted (Dec 2018)
#2: Stars Beyond (Mar 2020)
John Durgin - The Cursed Among Us (Aug 2024)
Jonathan Edward Durham - Winterset Hollow (Jul 2024)
The Dushku Brothers - The Highpoints nf (Jan 2024)
Sean Eads & Joshua Viola - Stolen Pallor (Dec 2024)
Edward Eager - Half Magic (Jan 2025)
Lynette Eason - Critical Threat (Jan 2023)
Ian Edginton & I. N. J. Culbard - Brass Sun: The Wheel of Worlds gn (Mar 2015)
Will Eisner:
The Building gn (Aug 2023)
The Last Knight gn (Oct 2024)
P. N. Elrod - The Hanged Man (Jul 2015)
Ethan Russell Elway az - Michael Belmont and the Tomb of Anubis (Apr 2021)
Ruthanna Emrys - A Half-Built Garden (Feb 2023)
Steven Erikson - The Wurms of Blearmouth (Jul 2014)
Rod Espinosa - The Courageous Princess gn (Sep 2024)
Philip José Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go hw (Jul 2020)
Gretchen Felker-Martin - Manhunt (May 2022)
Michael R. Fletcher - Beyond Redemption (Jul 2015)
Alan Dean Foster az:
Pip & Flinx:
#1: For Love of Mother-Not (May 2018)
#2: The Tar-Aiym Krang (Jan 2018)
#3: Orphan Star (Feb 2018)
#4: The End of the Matter (Mar 2018)
#5: Flinx in Flux (Jun 2018)
#6: Mid-Flinx (Jul 2018)
#7: Reunion (Sep 2018)
#8: Flinx’s Folly (Oct 2018)
#9: Sliding Scales (Dec 2018)
#10: Running from the Deity (Jan 2019)
#11: Bloodhype (Feb 2019)
#12: Trouble Magnet (Mar 2019)
#13: Patrimony (Apr 2019)
#14: Flinx Transcendent (May 2019)
#15: Strange Music (Apr 2018)
#1: Icerigger (Dec 2019)
#2: Mission to Moulokin (Jan 2020)
#3: The Deluge Drivers (Feb 2020)
The Founding of the Commonwealth:
#1: Phylogenesis (Apr 2020)
#2: Dirge (May 2020)
#3: Diuturnity’s Dawn (Jun 2020)
Humanx Commonwealth Standalone Novels:
Cachalot (Jun 2019)
Drowning World (Jul 2020)
The Howling Stones (Mar 2020)
Midworld (Aug 2018)
Nor Crystal Tears (Jul 2019)
Quofum (Aug 2020)
Sentenced to Prism (Nov 2019)
Voyage to the City of the Dead (Aug 2019)
Philip Fracassi - Boys in the Valley (Oct 2023)
Sara Fujimura az - Faking Reality gf (Nov 2022)
Adam Fyda - The Mountains of Madness gn (Jan 2024)
Gwynne Garfinkle - Sinking, Singing (Oct 2024)
Alan Garner - The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (Sep 2023)
W. Michael Gear - Donovan:
#1: Outpost (Oct 2018)
#2: Abandoned (Dec 2018)
#3: Pariah (Jul 2020)
#4: Unreconciled (Aug 2020)
#5: Adrift (Apr 2022)
Angel Gelique - Man Cave (Jan 2025)
William Gibson - Neuromancer hw (Jul 2022)
Gilead az - Bosky Creek:
Tales from Bosky Creek (Jul 2023)
Return to Bosky Creek (Mar 2024)
J. A. Giunta az - The Warden’s Legacy (Sep 2021)
Max Gladstone:
Craft Sequence:
#1: Three Parts Dead (Feb 2016)
#2: Two Serpents Rise (Mar 2016)
#3: Full Fathom Five (May 2016)
#4: Last First Snow (Jul 2016)
The Craft Wars:
#1: Dead Country (Mar 2023)
#2: Wicked Problems (Sep 2024)
James C. Glass az - Sedona Conspiracy (Sep 2024)
Nicole Glover - The Conductors (Jul 2022)
Elizabeth Goddard - Shadows at Dusk gf (Jan 2024)
Christopher Golden (ed.) - Hark! The Herald Angels Scream (Dec 2020)
W. L. Goodwater - Breach (Nov 2019)
W. R. Gorman - We Kept Her in the Cellar (Nov 2024)
René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo - Asterix:
#1: Asterix the Gaul gn (Apr 2024)
#2: Asterix and the Golden Sickle gn (May 2024)
#3: Asterix and the Goths gn (Jun 2024)
#4: Asterix the Gladiator gn (Jul 2024)
#5: Asterix and the Banquet gn (Aug 2024)
#6: Asterix and Cleopatra gn (Sep 2024)
#7: Asterix and the Big Fight gn (Oct 2024)
#8: Asterix in Britain gn (Nov 2024)
#9: Asterix and the Normans gn (Dec 2024)
#10: Asterix the Legionary gn (Jan 2025)
Ron Goulart - The Sword Swallower (Feb 2022)
Leopoldo Gout - Piñata (Jun 2023)
James Grady - Last Days of the Condor gf (May 2015)
Alan Grant, David Bircham & Daley Ostyemi - Project Jameson gn (May 2023)
Simon R. Green - Dr. D.O.A. (Aug 2021)
Ed Greenwood - The Iron Assassin (Jul 2015)
A. J. Hackwith - The Library of the Unwritten (Dec 2019)
H. Rider Haggard - King Solomon’s Mines (Sep 2015)
Joe Haldeman - The Forever War hw (Nov 2020)
Alexis Hall - The Affair of the Mysterious Letter (Jul 2019)
Mina Hardy - Bitter is the Heart (Jan 2025)
Charlaine Harris:
Southern Vampire Mysteries:
The Complete Sookie Stackhouse Stories (Jun 2020)
Midnight, TX:
#1: Midnight Crossroad (Aug 2016)
#2: Day Shift (Sep 2016)
#3: Night Shift (Mar 2017)
Harry Harrison -
Spaceship Medic (Mar 2024)
The Stainless Steel Rat:
#1: The Stainless Steel Rat (Jul 2021)
#2: The Stainless Steel Rat’s Revenge (Aug 2021)
#3: The Stainless Steel Rat Saves the World (Sep 2021)
#4: The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You (Oct 2021)
#5: The Stainless Steel Rat for President (Nov 2021)
#6: A Stainless Steel Rat is Born (Jan 2022)
#7: The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted (Feb 2022)
#8: The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues (Mar 2022)
#9: The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell (Apr 2022)
#10: The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus (Jun 2022)
#11: The Stainless Steel Rat Returns (Jul 2022)
Rachel Harrison - So Thirsty (Oct 2024)
Sheila Hartney (ed.) - Exchange Students (May 2020)
David C. Hayes (ed.):
Hard to Watch: The Films of Steven Seagal nf (Dec 2022)
Missing the Action: The Films of Chuck Norris nf (Dec 2022)
Robert A. Heinlein:
Double Star hw (Mar 2019)
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress hw (Feb 2020)
Starship Troopers hw (Jun 2019)
Stranger in a Strange Land hw (Aug 2019)
Barb & J. C. Hendee - The Dead Seekers (Mar 2017)
Grady Hendrix with Will Errickson - Paperbacks from Hell (Apr 2019)
Christina Henry:
The Girl in Red (Jul 2019)
The House That Horror Built (Jul 2024)
Lost Boy: The True Story of Captain Hook (Jul 2017)
Frank Herbert - Dune hw (Dec 2019)
Hergé - The Adventures of Tintin:
#2: Tintin in the Congo gn (May 2024)
#3: Tintin in America gn (Jun 2024)
#4: Cigars of the Pharaoh gn (Jul 2024)
#5: The Blue Lotus gn (Aug 2024)
#6: The Broken Ear gn (Sep 2024)
#7: The Black Island gn (Oct 2024)
#8: King Ottakar’s Sceptre gn (Nov 2024)
#9: The Crab with the Golden Claws gn (Dec 2024)
#10: The Shooting Star gn (Jan 2025)
Thomas Olde Heuvelt:
Echo (Jun 2022)
HEX (Aug 2017)
Faith Erin Hicks - The Nameless City:
#1: The Nameless City gn (May 2016)
#2: The Stone Heart gn (Apr 2017)
Leanna Renee Hieber - The Eterna Files:
#1: The Eterna Files (Mar 2015)
#2: Eterna and Omega (Aug 2016)
#3: The Eterna Solution (Jan 2019)
C. A. Higgins - Lightless:
#1: Lightless (Sep 2015)
#2: Supernova (Jul 2016)
#3: Radiate (Dec 2018)
Jim C. Hines - Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse:
#1: Terminal Alliance (Feb 2018)
#2: Terminal Uprising (May 2019)
Sean Hoade - Reviva Las Vegas! (Mar 2016)
Ernest Hogan az:
Cortez on Jupiter (May 2020)
High Aztech (Mar 2020)
Smoking Mirror Blues (Feb 2021)
Lee Hogan az: (see also Emily Devenport) - Belarus:
#1: Belarus (Jun 2019)
#2: Enemies (Jul 2019)
Mitchell Hogan - Sorcery Ascendant Sequence:
#1: A Crucible of Souls (Feb 2016)
#2: Blood of Innocents (Mar 2016)
Robert Holdstock - Mythago Wood (Aug 2022)
Brian Holguin, Lan Medina, Steve Oliff & Andy Troy - Aria: The Enchanted Collection gn (Mar 2023)
Dani Hoots az - A World of Vampires Volume 1 (Jan 2022)
Robert E. Howard:
The Incredible Adventures of Dennis Dorgan gf (Sep 2023)
The Vultures gf (Oct 2023)
T. L. Huchu - The Library of the Dead (May 2022)
Tanya Huff - Wizard of the Grove (Jan 2022)
Matthew Hughes - To Hell and Back:
#1: The Damned Busters (Aug 2014)
#2: Costume Not Included (Aug 2014)
#3: Hell to Pay (Oct 2014)
Andrew Michael Hurley - Starve Acre (Aug 2023)
Anthony Huso - The Last Page (Jul 2014)
Eric Iverson - Elabon:
#1: Wereblood (Aug 2018)
#2: Werenight (Aug 2018)
Amanda Jayatissa - Island Witch (Apr 2024)
Simon Jimenez - The Vanished Birds (Jul 2020)
Captain W. E. Johns - Interplanetary Adventures:
#1: Kings of Space (Nov 2023)
#2: Return to Mars (Sep 2024)
#3: Now to the Stars (Oct 2024)
#4: To Outer Space (Nov 2024)
#5: The Edge of Beyond (Dec 2024)
#6: The Death Rays of Ardilla (Jan 2025)
Couri Johnson - Feraltales (Jul 2024)
Suzanne Johnson - Sentinels of New Orleans:
#1: Royal Street (Aug 2015)
#2: River Road (Dec 2017)
#3: Elysian Fields (Jan 2018)
#4: Pirate’s Alley (Jul 2015)
#5: Belle Chasse (Mar 2018)
Stephen Graham Jones - The Only Good Indians (Dec 2024)
LaToya Jordan - To the Woman in the Pink Hat (Mar 2023)
C. Courtney Joyner - Nemo Rising (May 2018)
Alma Katsu:
The Hunger (Aug 2022)
The Fervor (Nov 2022)
Anna Kavan - Ice (Sep 2018)
Kevin P. Keating - The Captive Condition (Oct 2015)
Liz Kerin - Night's Edge:
#1: Night’s Edge (Jun 2023)
#2: First Light (Jun 2024)
Jack Ketchum - Off Season (Feb 2018)
Khurt Khave :
az - Chainsaw Alice in Wonderland (Aug 2015)
Moribund nf (Aug 2023)
Cassandra Khaw - Nothing But Blackened Teeth (Feb 2023)
Un-Su Kim - The Plotters (Mar 2021)
Lucy Knisley - Something New: Tales from a Makeshift Bride gn (May 2016)
Dennis Knotts - The Rapture Syndrome (Dec 2014)
Nicole Kornher-Stace - Flight & Anchor (Jun 2023)
Mike Kunkel - The Inheritance gn (Sep 2023)
Steve Lafler - Bughouse gn (Aug 2024)
Laura Lam - False Hearts (May 2017)
Joe R. Lansdale:
Leather Maiden gf (Jul 2021)
Joe R. Lansdale - Things Get Ugly: The Best Crime Stories of Joe R. Lansdale gf (Aug 2023)
Hap and Leonard:
#1: Savage Season gf (Aug 2020)
#2: Mucho Mojo gf (Sep 2020)
#3: The Two-Bear Mambo gf (Oct 2020)
#4: Bad Chili gf (Nov 2020)
#5: Rumble Tumble gf (Dec 2020)
#6: Captains Outrageous gf (Jan 2021)
#7: Vanilla Ride gf (Feb 2021)
#8: Devil Red gf (Mar 2021)
#8.5: Hyenas gf (Apr 2021)
#8.6: Dead Aim gf (May 2021)
#9 Honky Tonk Samurai gf (Jun 2021)
#9.2: Briar Patch Boogie gf (Aug 2021)
#9.7: Hoodoo Harry gf (Sep 2021)
#9.8: Coco Butternut gf (Dec 2021)
#10: Rusty Puppy gf (Jan 2022)
#11: Blood and Lemonade gf (Feb 2022)
#11.5: Cold Cotton gf (Mar 2022)
#12: Jackrabbit Smile gf (Apr 2022)
#13: The Elephant of Surprise gf (Jun 2022)
Born for Trouble gf (Apr 2022)
Eric LaRocca - Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes (Oct 2024)
Nella Larsen - Passing (Jan 2021)
Batton Lash - Sonovawitch and Other Tales of Supernatural Law gn (Nov 2023)
Boaz Lavie - The Divine gn (Jul 2015)
Jodie Lawrance (see also J .V. Baptie) - Helen Carter:
#2: The Evidence gf (Jul 2022)
#3: The Suspects gf (Aug 2022)
#4: The Missing Woman gf (Jul 2023)
Alejandro Lee:
Luckyloo gn (Nov 2022)
Sally Sprocket & Piston Pete: The First Adventure gn (Dec 2022)
Tanith Lee:
Companions on the Road (Jun 2018)
Electric Forest (May 2019)
Redder Than Blood (May 2017)
CJ Leede - Maeve Fly (Jul 2023)
Ursula Le Guin:
The Earthsea Cycle:
#1: A Wizard of Earthsea (Feb 2018)
#2: The Tombs of Atuan (Mar 2018)
#3: The Farthest Shore (Apr 2018)
The Hainish Cycle:
#4: The Left Hand of Darkness hw (May 2020)
#5: The Dispossessed hw (Oct 2020)
Fritz Leiber:
The Big Time hw (Apr 2019)
The Wanderer hw (Nov 2019)
R. B. Lemberg - Birdverse:
The Four Profound Weaves (Jul 2021)
The Unbalancing (Jan 2023)
Madeleine L’Engle - A Wrinkle in Time (Aug 2023)
Tom Leveen az - Sick (Aug 2022)
David D. Levine - Arabella Ashby:
#1: Arabella of Mars (Aug 2016)
#2: Arabella and the Battle of Venus (Aug 2017)
#3: Arabella the Traitor of Mars (Sep 2018)
Norman Lindsay - The Magic Pudding (Jun 2024)
Penelope Lively - The Ghost of Thomas Kempe (Apr 2024)
Hugh Lofting - The Story of Doctor Dolittle (Sep 2024)
Karen Lord - Redemption:
#1: Unraveling (Oct 2019)
#2: Redemption in Indigo (Aug 2024)
Matthew Loux - The Time Museum gn (Mar 2017)
Makiia Lucier - Year of the Reaper (Feb 2023)
Richard A. Lupoff - Twin Planets:
#1: Circumpolar! (Nov 2014)
#2: Countersolar! (Nov 2014)
Jonathan Maberry - Ghostwalkers (Dec 2015)
George Macdonald - Princess Irene & Curdie:
#1: The Princess and the Goblin (Jan 2024)
#2: The Princess and Curdie (Feb 2024)
Angus MacVicar - Atom Chasers:
#1: The Atom Chasers gf (Mar 2024)
#2: The Atom Chasers in Tibet gf (Mar 2024)
Drew Magary - The Hike (Aug 2017)
Josh Malerman:
Daphne (Dec 2022)
Goblin (Nov 2021)
Incidents Around the House (Oct 2024)
Inspection (Dec 2020)
Unbury Carol (Nov 2018)
Jack Mangan az & Kyle Burles - Am I Evil? gn (Jun 2023)
Russ Manning - Magnus Robot Fighter 4000 A.D. Volume One gn (Oct 2024)
Jeffrey J. Mariotte az:
The Slab (as Jeff Mariotte) (Apr 2022)
Thunder Moon Rising (Nov 2016)
John Marrs:
The Minders (May 2021)
The Passengers (Jul 2020)
Gail Z. Martin - Deadly Curiosities:
#1: Deadly Curiosities (Apr 2015)
#2: Vendetta (Mar 2016)
Suehiro Maruo - Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freak Show gn (Oct 2021)
Richard Matheson - The Best of Richard Matheson (Jul 2020)
Gigi McCaffrey - Dragon’s Code (Jan 2019)
Scott McCloud - The Sculptor gn (Mar 2015)
Sharyn McCrumb - Jay Omega:
#1: Bimbos of the Death Sun gf (Sep 2020)
#2: Zombies of the Gene Pool gf (Oct 2020)
Ian McDonald - Luna:
#1: Luna: New Moon (Nov 2019)
#2: Luna: Wolf Moon (Dec 2019)
#3: Luna: Moon Rising (Jan 2020)
Craig McDonald & Kevin Singles - Head Games gn (Dec 2017)
Seanan McGuire:
Boneyard (Nov 2017)
Sparrow Hill Road (Jun 2018)
October Daye:
#1: Rosemary and Rue (Jan 2017)
#1: Rosemary and Rue (10th Anniversary Edition) (Nov 2019)
#2: A Local Habitation (Feb 2017)
#3: An Artificial Night (Mar 2017)
#4: Late Eclipses (May 2017)
#5: One Salt Sea (Aug 2017)
#6: Ashes of Honor (Sep 2017)
#7: Chimes at Midnight (Oct 2017)
#8: The Winter Long (Dec 2017)
#9: A Red-Rose Chain (Jan 2018)
#10: Once Broken Faith (Feb 2018)
#11: The Brightest Fell (Mar 2018)
#12: Night and Silence (Sep 2018)
#13: The Unkindest Tide (Sep 2019)
#1: Discount Armageddon (Jun 2016)
#2: Midnight Blue-Light Special (Jul 2016)
#3: Half-Off Ragnarok (Aug 2016)
#4: Pocket Apocalypse (Sep 2016)
#5: Chaos Choreography (Dec 2016)
#6: Magic for Nothing (Jul 2017)
#7: Tricks for Free (Apr 2018)
#8: That Ain’t Witchcraft (Mar 2019)
#9: Imaginary Numbers (Apr 2020)
Wayward Children:
#1: Every Heart a Doorway (Apr 2023)
#2: Down Among the Sticks and Bones (Feb 2023)
#3: Beneath the Sugar Sky (Apr 2023)
#1-3: Be Sure (Aug 2023)
#4: In an Absent Dream (Apr 2023)
#5: Come Tumbling Down (May 2023)
#6: Across the Green Grass Fields (Jun 2023)
#7: Where the Drowned Girls Go (Jul 2023)
#8: Lost in the Moment and Found (Jan 2024)
#9: Mislaid in Parts Half-Known (Jan 2024)
Vonda N. McIntyre - Dreamsnake (Feb 2021)
Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal - The Lost Causes of Bleak Creek (Dec 2019)
Peter McLean - War for the Rose Throne:
#1: Priest of Bones (Jun 2020)
#2: Priest of Lies (Jul 2020)
Carla Speed McNeil - Talisman gn (May 2022)
Dwight L. MacPherson, Luis Czerniawski, Andrea Messi and Simon Robins - The Imaginary Voyages of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 1 gn (Feb 2024)
Dwight L. MacPherson, Luis Czerniawski, Pablo Fernandez, Andrea Messi, Federico Luchetti, Steven Legge & Simon Robins - The Imaginary Voyages of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 2 gn (Jul 2024)
Dwight L. MacPherson, Steven Legge & Emmanuel Ordaz Torres - The Imaginary Voyages of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume 3 gn (Aug 2024)
Nick Medina - Indian Burial Ground (Aug 2024)
Nancy Mehl - Cold Threat gf (Feb 2024)
S. C. Mendes az - The City:
#1: The City (Sep 2020)
#2: The Order of Eternal Sleep (Sep 2023)
S. C. Mendes az & Nikki Noir az - Suck-U-Bus (Jun 2024)
Kristyn Merbeth az:
The Nova Vita Protocol:
#1: Fortuna (Feb 2023)
The Wastelanders:
#1: Bite (as K. S. Merbeth) (Nov 2020)
#2: Raid (as K. S. Merbeth) (May 2021)
Linda Medley - Castle Waiting Volume One gn (Jan 2023)
Jay Michaels & Monster Smith (eds.) - Hot Off the Press (Jun 2023)
Walter M. Miller, Jr. - A Canticle for Leibowitz hw (Jul 2019)
Ethan Moe az - Rider (Sep 2022)
Devon Monk - Matilda Case:
#1: House Immortal (Sep 2014)
#2: Infinity Bell (Apr 2015)
Michael Moorcock - Oswald Bastable:
#1: The Warlord of the Air (Jan 2016)
#2: The Land Leviathan (Feb 2016)
Alan Moore & Kevin O’Neill - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen:
#1: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 gn (Aug 2022)
#2: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II gn (Oct 2022)
James A. Moore & Jeff Strand - The Haunted Forest Tour (May 2024)
Richard Moore - Boneyard:
#1: Boneyard Volume One gn (Mar 2024)
#2: Boneyard Volume Two gn (Apr 2024)
#3: Boneyard Volume Three gn (May 2024)
#4: Boneyard Volume Four gn (Jun 2024)
Gus Moreno - This Thing Between Us (Jun 2024)
Silvia Moreno-Garcia:
Gods of Jade and Shadow (Jun 2020)
The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (Jul 2022)
Grant Morrison & Steve Yeowell - Zenith:
#1: Zenith: Phase One gn (Dec 2014)
#2: Zenith: Phase Two gn (Mar 2015)
Robbie Morrison, Steve Parkhouse, Mike Collins, Cliff Robinson & Colin MacNeil - Hondo City Justice (Sep 2014)
Sara A. Mueller - The Bone Orchard (Apr 2022)
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini - The Spook Lights Affair gf (Dec 2014)
Paul Thomas Murphy - Pretty Jane and the Viper of Kidbrooke Lane nf (Sep 2021)
James S. Murray & Darren Wearmouth - You Better Watch Out (Dec 2024)
Pierce Nace - Eat Them Alive (Mar 2019)
G. M. Nair - Duckett & Dyer: Dicks for Hire (Sep 2022)
Joseph Nassise az:
The Great Undead War:
#1: By the Blood of Heroes (Jan 2025)
Jeremiah Hunt:
#1: Eyes to See (Aug 2020)
#2: King of the Dead (Sep 2020)
#3: Watcher of the Dark (Oct 2020)
Joseph Nassise & Del Howison (eds.) - Midian Unmade (Feb 2020)
Thomas Negovan:
Beautiful Macabre: Rare & Peculiar Posters 1862-1973 nf (Apr 2020)
Diabolical Fantasia: The Art of Der Orchideengarten Volume 1 (1919) Issues 1-6 nf (Apr 2020)
Chloe Neill:
The Chicagoland Vampires:
#1: Some Girls Bite (May 2017)
#2: Friday Night Bites (Apr 2019)
#3: Twice Bitten (May 2019)
#4: Hard Bitten (Feb 2020)
#5: Drink Deep (Mar 2020)
#6: Biting Cold (Apr 2020)
#7: House Rules (May 2020)
#8: Biting Bad (Jun 2020)
#9: Wild Things (Jul 2020)
#10: Blood Games (Aug 2020)
#11: Dark Debt (Sep 2020)
#12: Midnight Marked (Oct 2020)
#13: Blade Bound (Nov 2020)
Heirs of Chicagoland:
#1: Wild Hunger (Dec 2020)
#2: Wicked Hour (Jan 2021)
Devil’s Isle:
#1: The Veil (Dec 2016)
#2: The Sight (Jan 2017)
#3: The Hunt (Dec 2017)
#4: The Beyond (Jun 2019)
GennaRose Nethercott - Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart (Feb 2024)
Annalee Newitz - Autonomous (Jan 2020)
Emma Newman - The Split Worlds:
#1: Between Two Thorns (Apr 2018)
#2: Any Other Name (May 2018)
#3: All is Fair (Sep 2018)
#4: A Little Knowledge (Oct 2018)
#5: All Good Things (Nov 2018)
Peter Newman - The Vagrant Trilogy:
#1: The Vagrant (May 2016)
#2: The Malice (Nov 2018)
#3: The Seven (Dec 2018)
J. J. Nikitin az - Flushed (Jan 2023)
Steve Niles & Ben Templesmith - 30 Days of Night gn (Jan 2025)
Adam Niswander az - The Charm (Apr 2024)
Larry Niven:
Ringworld hw (Jun 2020)
Larry Niven & Steven Barnes: (see also Steven Barnes)
Achilles’ Choice (Aug 2020)
The Descent of Anansi (Feb 2020)
Saturn’s Race (May 2021)
Dream Park:
#1: Dream Park (Jan 2020)
#2: The Barsoom Project (Jun 2020)
#3: The California Voodoo Game (Sep 2020)
Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle & Steven Barnes: (see also Steven Barnes)
#1: The Legacy of Heorot (May 2020)
#2: Beowulf’s Children (Nov 2020)
Marvin North az -Searching for the Eminent:
#1: March of the Meek (Apr 2023)
#2: Towards the Apocalypse (Oct 2024)
#3: The Collapse of Reality (Nov 2024)
Alissa Nutting - Tampa (Jul 2023)
Robert C. O’Brien - Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH (May 2024)
Weston Ochse az - Red Palm (Jan 2024)
George O’Connor - The Olympians:
#8: Apollo the Brilliant One gn (Feb 2016)
#9: Artemis: Wild Goddess of the Hunt gn (May 2017)
George O’Connor, DaFu Yu & Lesley Atlansky - Silent Knight gn (Dec 2020)
George O’Connor & Diana Porter (eds.) - Toddler-pocalypse gn (Sep 2022)
Aimee Ogden - Emergent Properties (Aug 2023)
Tobias S. Ogundiran - In the Shadow of the Fall (Sep 2024)
Nnedi Okorafor - Binti: The Complete Trilogy (Feb 2020)
Suyi Davies Okungbowa az - David Mogo, Godhunter (May 2020)
Malka Older - Mossa & Pleiti:
#1: The Mimicking of Known Successes (Mar 2023)
#2: The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles (Feb 2024)
Alexandra Oliva - The Last One (Feb 2021)
Nate Olson, Mark Lee Gardner & Nic Chapuis - Shot All to Hell gn (Jun 2021)
Tochi Onyebuchi - War Girls (Sep 2020)
Rebecca Ore - Collected Ogoense (Jan 2024)
Ada Palmer - Too Like the Lightning (Feb 2020)
Suzanne Palmer - Finder (Jul 2020)
Shelley Parker-Chan - She Who Became the Sun (Oct 2024)
William H. Patterson Jr. az - The Man Who Learned Better 1948-1988 nf (Oct 2014)
Dani Pettrey - One Wrong Move gf (Mar 2024)
Aprilynne Pike & Ashley Moore - Clockwork Scott gn (Mar 2022)
Sarah Pinsker:
A Song for a New Day (Dec 2019)
We are Satellites (Aug 2021)
Frederik Pohl - Gateway hw (Jan 2021)
Amber Polo az - Released (Aug 2024)
Paul Pope, J. T. Petty & David Rubin - The Fall of the House of West gn (Oct 2015)
Eric Powell - Nothin’ but Misery gn (Feb 2022)
Tim Powers - The Drawing of the Dark (Nov 2015)
Cherie Priest:
Brimstone (Aug 2017)
Fiddlehead (Jun 2015)
Irene Radford - A Spoonful of Magic (Dec 2017)
Hannu Rajaniemi:
Summerland (Dec 2019)
Jean le Flambeur:
#1: The Quantum Thief (Dec 2014)
#2: The Fractal Prince (Jan 2016)
#3: The Causal Angel (Jan 2016)
Duncan Ralston - Woom (Apr 2023)
Greg Rankin - Amaranthine gn (Jul 2021)
Adam Rapp & Mike Cavallaro - Decelerate Blue gn (Mar 2017)
Lina Rather - A Season of Monstrous Conceptions (Dec 2023)
Kit Reed - Mormama (Sep 2017)
Sidney Reetz az - The Devil’s Codex (Aug 2021)
Deena Remiel az - The Book Waitress Series Volume One (Sep 2014)
Sofia Rhei - Everything is Made of Letters (May 2019)
John Paul Ried az - Medford Family Chronicles:
#1: Reckless Ambitions (Jan 2017)
#2: Capricious Deities (Mar 2017)
#3: Pivotal Ruckus (May 2017)
David B. Riley az:
Fallen Angel (May 2019)
Tales from Dry Gulch (ed.) (Dec 2019)
David B. Riley & J. A. Campbell (eds.) - Six-Guns Straight from Hell 3 (Feb 2022)
Jennifer Roberson az - Life and Limb (Dec 2021)
Nick Roberts - The Exorcist’s House (Oct 2023)
Louise Robertson - The Experiment Known as Rose Marie Hernandez Williamson (Aug 2021)
Kenneth Robeson - Doc Savage:
#1: The Man of Bronze (Nov 2015)
#2: The Land of Terror (Dec 2015)
#3: Quest of the Spider (Jan 2016)
#4: The Polar Treasure (Feb 2016)
#5: Pirate of the Pacific (Mar 2016)
#6: The Red Skull (Apr 2016)
#7: The Lost Oasis (May 2016)
#8: The Sargasso Ogre (Jun 2016)
#9: The Czar of Fear (Jul 2016)
#10: The Phantom City (Aug 2016)
#11: Brand of the Werewolf (Sep 2016)
#12: The Man Who Shook the Earth (Oct 2016)
#13: Meteor Menace (Nov 2016)
#14: The Monsters (Dec 2016)
#15: The Mystery on the Snow (Jan 2017)
#16: The King Maker (Feb 2016)
#17: The Thousand-Headed Man (Mar 2017)
#18: The Squeaking Goblin (Apr 2017)
#19: Fear Cay (May 2017)
#20: Death in Silver (Jun 2017)
#21: The Sea Magician (Jul 2017)
#22: The Annihilist (Aug 2017)
#23: The Mystic Mullah (Sep 2017)
#24: The Red Snow (Oct 2017)
#25: Land of Always-Night (Nov 2017)
#26: The Spook Legion (Dec 2017)
#27: The Secret in the Sky (Jan 2018)
#28: The Roar Devil (Feb 2018)
#29: The Quest of Qui (Mar 2018)
#30: Spook Hole (Apr 2018)
#31: The Majii (May 2018)
#32: Dust of Death (Jun 2018)
#33: Murder Melody (Jul 2018)
#34: The Fantastic Island (Aug 2018)
#35: Murder Mirage (Sep 2018)
#36: Mystery Under the Sea (Oct 2018)
#37: The Metal Master (Nov 2018)
#38: The Men Who Smiled No More (Dec 2018)
#39: The Seven Agate Devils (Jan 2019)
#40: Haunted Ocean (Feb 2019)
#41: The Black Spot (Mar 2019)
#42: The Midas Man (May 2019)
#43: Cold Death (May 2019)
#44: The South Pole Terror (Jun 2019)
#45: Resurrection Day (Jul 2019)
#46: The Vanisher (Aug 2019)
#47: Land of Long Juju (Oct 2019)
#48: The Derrick Devil (Nov 2019)
#49: The Mental Wizard (Dec 2019)
#50: The Terror in the Navy (Jan 2020)
#51: Mad Eyes (Feb 2020)
#52: The Land of Fear (Apr 2020)
#53: He Could Stop the World (Apr 2020)
#54: Ost (Apr 2020)
#55: The Feathered Octopus (May 2020)
#56: Repel (Jun 2020)
#57: The Sea Angel (Jul 2020)
#58: The Golden Peril (Aug 2020)
#59: The Living Fire Menace (Sep 2020)
#60: The Mountain Monster (Oct 2020)
#61: Devil on the Moon (Nov 2020)
#62: The Pirate’s Ghost (Dec 2020)
#63: The Motion Menace (Jan 2021)
#64: The Submarine Mystery (Feb 2021)
#65: The Giggling Ghosts (Mar 2021)
#66: The Munitions Master (Apr 2021)
#67: The Red Terrors (May 2021)
#68: Fortress of Solitude (Jun 2021)
#69: The Green Death (Jul 2021)
#70: The Devil Genghis (Aug 2021)
#71: Mad Mesa (Sep 2021)
#72: The Yellow Cloud (Oct 2021)
#73: The Freckled Shark (Nov 2021)
#74: World’s Fair Goblin (Dec 2021)
#75: The Gold Ogre (Jan 2022)
#76: The Flaming Falcons (Feb 2022)
#77: Merchants of Disaster (Mar 2022)
#78: The Crimson Serpent (Apr 2022)
#79: Poison Island (May 2022)
#80: The Stone Man (Jul 2022)
#81: Hex (Aug 2022)
#82: The Dagger in the Sky (Sep 2022)
#83: The Other World (Oct 2022)
#84: The Angry Ghost (Nov 2022)
#85: The Spotted Men (Dec 2022)
#86: The Evil Gnome (Jan 2023)
#87: The Boss of Terror (Feb 2023)
#88: The Awful Egg (Apr 2023)
#89: The Flying Goblin (May 2023)
#90: Tunnel Terror (Jun 2023)
#91: The Purple Dragon (Jul 2023)
#92: Devils of the Deep (Aug 2023)
#93: The Awful Dynasty (Sep 2023)
#94: The Men Vanished (Nov 2023)
#95: The Devil’s Playground (Jan 2024)
#96: Bequest of Evil (Jan 2024)
#97: The All-White Elf (Feb 2024)
#98: The Golden Man (Mar 2024)
#99: The Pink Lady (Apr 2024)
#100: The Headless Men (May 2024)
#101: The Green Eagle (Jun 2024)
#102: Mystery Island (Jul 2024)
#103: The Mindless Monsters (Aug 2024)
#104: Birds of Death (Sep 2024)
#105: The Invisible Box Murders (Oct 2024)
#106: Peril in the North (Nov 2024)
#107: The Rustling Death (Dec 2024)
#108: Men of Fear (Jan 2025)
James Robinson, Paul Smith & Jeromy Cox - Shaman’s Rain gn (Nov 2021)
Marsheila Rockwell az - Tales of Sand and Sorcery (Jul 2014)
Prentis Rollins - The Furnace (Jul 2018)
Josh Rountree - The Legend of Charlie Fish (Aug 2023)
Madeleine Roux - Salvaged (Dec 2019)
Lauren M. Roy - Night Owls:
#1: Night Owls (May 2015)
#2: Grave Matters (May 2015)
Mark Rude az - Devon, the Demon Duck from Hell (Apr 2015)
Steve Rude az - The Moth gn (Oct 2021)
Alison Rumfitt - Brainwyrms (Dec 2023)
James Sabata az - The Cassowary (Mar 2022)
Rafael Sabatini - Captain Blood (Jul 2015)
K. N. Salustro az - The Arkin Races (May 2024)
John Scalzi - Starter Villain (Oct 2024)
Mairghread Scott & Robin Robinson - The City on the Other Side gn (May 2018)
Michael Scott & Melanie Ruth Rose - Mirror Image (Apr 2016)
Christopher Sebela & Ibrahim Moustafa - High Crimes gn (Sep 2021)
Gaie Sebold - Shanghai Sparrow (Jan 2017)
Marcus Sedgwick & Thomas Taylor - Scarlett Hart: Monster Hunter gn (Apr 2018)
Tamara Kaye Sellman - Cul de Sac Stories (Aug 2024)
JoAnna Senger az - Hermione Daggert:
#1: Betrayal, Betrothal, and Blood gf (Sep 2014)
#2: Reservation Ravaged gf (Sep 2014)
Joe Sergi (ed.) - Great Zombies in History gn (Jan 2021)
Margery Sharp - The Rescuers (Aug 2024)
Nisi Shawl - Everfair:
#1: Everfair (Feb 2017)
#2: Kinning (May 2024)
Kira Shay az - Angel’s Prophecy (Nov 2024)
Jason Shiga - Demon:
#2: Demon Vol. 2 gn (Feb 2017)
#4: Demon Vol. 4 gn (Feb 2018)
A. M. Shine - The Watchers (Nov 2024)
Jerry Siegel, Ted Cowan & Reg Bunn - King of Crooks gn (Sep 2020)
Scott Sigler - Alive (Aug 2016)
Clifford D. Simak - Way Station hw (Oct 2019)
Jack Skillingstead - The Chaos Function (May 2019)
Sharon Skinner az - Mirabella and the Faded Phantom (Mar 2023)
Chandler Klang Smith - The Sky is Yours (Nov 2020)
Guy N. Smith:
Abomination (Sep 2024)
Accursed (Mar 2024)
Alligators (Dec 2024)
Bamboo Guerillas gf (Sep 2021)
Bats Out of Hell (Nov 2021)
Blood Circuit (Jan 2024)
Bloodshow (Jan 2025)
Cannibals (Nov 2024)
Caracal (Aug 2022)
The Casebook of Raymond Odell gf (Jan 2021)
Doomflight (Oct 2022)
Entombed (May 2023)
The Ghoul (as Guy Smith) (May 2021)
Locusts (Feb 2022)
The Lurkers (Sep 2023)
Manitou Doll (Dec 2022)
The Neophyte (Aug 2024)
Night of the Werewolf (Apr 2021)
The Pluto Pact (Aug 2023)
Satan’s Snowdrop (Jul 2022)
Snakes (Oct 2024)
Throwback (Jun 2024)
The Undead (Feb 2024)
Warhead (Apr 2023)
Wolfcurse (Jan 2023)
The Wood (Jul 2024)
#1: Night of the Crabs (Mar 2021)
#2: Killer Crabs (Oct 2021)
#3: The Origin of the Crabs (Jan 2022)
#4: Crabs on the Rampage (Feb 2023)
#5: Crabs’ Moon (Apr 2024)
#1: Deathbell (Mar 2022)
Mark Sabat:
#1: The Graveyard Vultures (Jun 2023)
#2: The Blood Merchants (Jul 2023)
#3: Cannibal Cult (Nov 2023)
#4: The Druid Connection (Jan 2024)
The Slime Beast:
#1: The Slime Beast (Sep 2016)
#2: Spawn of the Slime Beast (Sep 2016)
The Sucking Pit:
#1: The Sucking Pit (Aug 2016)
#2: The Walking Dead (May 2024)
#1: Thirst (Apr 2022)
The Truckers:
#1: The Black Knights (as Guy Smith) gf (Jun 2021)
#2: Hi-Jack! (as Guy Smith) gf (Jul 2021)
Werewolf Trilogy:
#1: Werewolf by Moonlight (as Guy Smith) (Feb 2021)
#2: Return of the Werewolf (Aug 2021)
#3: The Son of the Werewolf (Dec 2021)
Shawn Smucker - The Weight of Memory (Jan 2022)
Thomas E. Sniegoski:
The Demonists (May 2016)
Walking in the Midst of Fire (Aug 2014)
Lucy A. Snyder - Sister, Maiden, Monster (Mar 2023)
Judith Sonnet - No One Rides for Free (Feb 2024)
Art Spiegelman - Maus:
#1: Maus gn (Feb 2022)
#2: Maus II gn (Mar 2022)
Lindsay Starck - Monsters We Have Made (May 2024)
Francis Stevens:
Claimed (Jul 2019)
The Heads of Cerberus (Jun 2019)
Julia Verne St. John - The Transference Engine (Dec 2016)
Matthew Stokoe - Cows (Jan 2024)
Dan Stout - Titanshade (May 2020)
Iryna Stroganova - Sunflowers Follow the Moon gn (Mar 2024)
Charles Stross:
The Nightmare Stacks (May 2017)
Empire Games:
#1: Empire Games (Sep 2021)
#2: Dark State (Feb 2022)
#3: Invisible Sun (Feb 2023)
David Lee Summers:
Owl Dance (Jan 2021)
Revolution of Air & Rust (Dec 2022)
S. Andrew Swann - Marked (May 2019)
Bryan Talbot - The Tale of the One Bad Rat gn (Nov 2023)
Adrian Tchaikovsky - Service Model (Oct 2024)
Maggy Thomas az (see also Emily Devenport) - Broken Time (Mar 2019)
Karin Tidbeck - Jagannath (Jan 2019)
Chuck Tingle:
Camp Damascus (Jul 2023)
Bury Your Gays (Oct 2024)
Kevin Tinsley & Tim Smith 3 - The Festering Season gn (Jan 2022)
Sarah Tolmie:
Disease (Oct 2020)
Sacraments for the Unfit (Jul 2023)
Patrick S. Tomlinson - The Breach:
#1: Gate Crashers (Aug 2018)
#2: Starship Repo (Aug 2019)
Kyle Toucher - Live Wire (Dec 2023)
Paul Tremblay - A Head Full of Ghosts (Sep 2024)
Patrick Tylee az - Wisdom (Dec 2024)
Kimberly Unger - Nucleation (Jul 2021)
Simon Kurt Unsworth - Thomas Fool:
#1: The Devil’s Detective (Sep 2017)
#2: The Devil’s Evidence (Jan 2018)
Alison Uttley - A Traveller in Time (Jul 2024)
Megan E. Vaughn az - The Emerald Door (Oct 2022)
Mona Ventress az - Anointed by Anubis (Jul 2022)
Joan D. Vinge - The Snow Queen hw (Apr 2021)
Nghi Vo:
Siren Queen (Sep 2023)
The City in Glass (Nov 2024)
Tim Waggoner - Night Terrors (Jul 2014)
Erin K. Wagner - When Home, No Need to Cry (Nov 2022)
John Wagner - Durham Red: Bitch gn (Oct 2014)
John Wagner, Alan Grant, Brett Ewins, Ron Smith & Steve Dillon - Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 08 gn (Sep 2014)
Holly Lyn Walrath - Numinous Stones (Jul 2023)
Natalie Walters - The SNAP Agency gf:
#2: Fatal Code (Jul 2022)
#3: Blind Trust (Nov 2023)
Catriona Ward:
Little Eve (Oct 2022)
The Last House on Needless Street (Dec 2023)
Elizabeth Watasin - Charm School Graphique Vol. 1 gn (Aug 2021)
Thomas Watson az - The Gryphon Stone (Mar 2021)
Ellis Weiner - National Lampoon’s Doon (Apr 2022)
Dan Wells - John Cleaver:
#4: The Devil’s Only Friend (Sep 2015)
#5: Over Your Dead Body (Jul 2016)
Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries:
#1: All Systems Red (Oct 2020)
#2: Artificial Condition (Dec 2020)
#3: Rogue Protocol (Jan 2021)
#4: Exit Strategy (Feb 2021)
Nick West - The Three Investigators (see also William Arden, Robert Arthur), M. V. Carey:
#14: The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon (Sep 2024)
#16: The Mystery of the Nervous Lion (Nov 2024)
Scott Westerfeld & Alex Puvilland - Spill Zone gn (May 2017)
Django Wexler - The Shadow Campaigns:
#1: The Thousand Names (Nov 2020)
#2: The Shadow Throne (Dec 2020)
#3: The Price of Valor (Jan 2021)
#4: The Guns of Empire (Mar 2021)
#5: The Infernal Battalion (Apr 2021)
Maris Wicks - Human Body Theater gn (Oct 2015)
Kate Wilhelm - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang hw (Dec 2020)
Scott Wilke az & Arturo Mesa - Periwinkle gn (Jul 2023)
Edward Willett - Worldshapers:
#1: Worldshaper (May 2020)
#2: Master of the World (Jun 2020)
Connie Willis:
Remake (Jul 2016)
To Say Nothing of the Dog (Aug 2017)
Daniel H. Wilson:
The Clockwork Dynasty (Dec 2018)
Guardian Angels & Other Monsters (Apr 2018)
Daniel H. Wilson & John Joseph Adams (eds.) - Press Start to Play (Feb 2016)
F. Paul Wilson - Fear City (Oct 2015)
Danni Winn & Monster Smith (eds.) - Out of the Shadows (Jan 2022)
Josh Winning - Burn the Negative (Sep 2023)
Chris Wooding - Ketty Jay:
#1: Retribution Falls (Dec 2016)
#2: The Black Lung Captain (Jan 2017)
Jaime Jo Wright:
The Lost Boys of Barlowe Theater (Jan 2024)
Night Falls on Predicament Avenue (Jun 2024)
The Vanishing at Castle Moreau (Apr 2023)
Stephanie Wrobel - The Hitchcock Hotel (Oct 2024)
Gene Luen Yang - American Born Chinese gn (Apr 2022)
Arthur Yorinks - Making Scents gn (Jun 2017)
Timothy Zahn - Dragon and Thief (Jan 2021)
Roger Zelazny:
Lord of Light hw (Apr 2020)
Roadmarks (Oct 2021)
This Immortal hw (Jan 2020)
Zitkála-Šá - American Indian Stories gf (May 2020)